Shop Tone and curve

TONE at Home

Tone and shape your body with this at-home workout plan that includes modifications, 30 minute workout, and requires minimal equipment.

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Meal Plan

Eat delicious and nutritious foods you love while hitting your goals to create a stronger healthier you mind, body and spirit.

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Curve at Home

Grow your curves with this at-home workout plan. Create your hourglass shape, grow your glutes, and tighten your core.

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Self love + Strength

tap into your inner strength

Erika has helped me tap into my inner strength I didn't know I had. It's been a transformation both body and mind!


I can't thank Erika enough for helping me lose the baby weight. I feel more energized, and excited to spend time with my family.


Erika's Tone Booty program has given me the confidence to get back into my bikini this summer


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